Thursday, September 15, 2011

Where do I even start? (Rantings)

Dear Mr. Creep,

No, I do not want to sit by you while you embarrass yourself and me by being annoying to the whole class. I'm not a mean person but by your "no stereotype" persona your quick to judge, that by me wearing nice clothes it means I have no problems in the world. Do you need some glasses or do you just need to open your eyes? Stop trying to act more sophisticated than anyone else, I know it's just a joke. People who try to act sophisticated are just worried about what people think, not about actually learning. Although I appreciate your input in class, that does not mean I have to like you. I will give you the benefit of the doubt one more time, but I swear... If you interrupt me or verbally attack my work again... I won't be very happy. I am not morbid :/ and I'm sure your intelligent in your own way, but stop trying to shove your intellegent persona down my throat. Thank you.

Dear Mrs. History Teacher,

I understand that you get nervous during class, but your pacing around the room tires me out. History puts me to sleep faster than a baby anyways, but your excessive ways of exercising in class distracts me. I'm not trying to be rude but you need to tone it down.

I really wonder what your grade was in speech class. Taking speech while taking this class can be why I'm so biast about this subject. Although I don't think I'm wrong. Your lectures are sporadic, and I can't keep up. You go from one subject to another and when you stop a topic, instead of easing out of it, you comment with "so.." or "anyways...". This is AWKWARD. Have you ever heard of the term white noise? It's something radio stations hate because the listener gets bored easily and changes the channel. Well, I change the channel many times in this class. So please, take a speech class while your here, or practice in a mirror at home but for the sake of my grade.. do something different.

p.s. Another thing, I have 3 other VERY long classes besides yours, so NO I will not read your reading assignments you assign to us that are 50 pages long per week + the 4 articles on the web you want us to read. Your ridiculous.

Thank you

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