Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Proud to be a Righty

My creative writing teacher told us yesterday that writer's are not necessarily smart people. In my case I think it's true. I'm not saying that I'm stupid or unintelligent, I'm just not this extremely impressive girl that knows everything. I think with the right side of my brain. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm ditsy. The only kind of math problem I can do in my head is 2+2 and when it comes to thinking logically I always tend to do things the hard way. I get so frustrated with myself because it seems like with society today, if you aren't mathematically or scientifically intelligent, then you don't have that "thing" people are looking for.

But what I can offer to this world is passion. I feel things so vividly that it's almost incomprehensible sometimes. I feel like the world is too serious and that most people don't take the time to enjoy their life. They think they have to abide by society's rules: Go to school, Go to college, Get married, and have kids. But I think life is so much more than that. I feel like life is about going to the beach and enjoying the view that has been there more billions of years. I feel like it's about getting to know yourself as a person and the journey to find out who you are. I feel life is about that moment when you are with your friends and you feel that it is exactly where your suppose to be. It's about living in New York for a year just to see what it would be like or traveling the world just to get a better idea of where your suppose to be.Of coarse this is my life I'm talking about, but you get the idea.

I'm also a dreamer. I think about how something is going to happen long before it actually does. Although most of the time I set my expectations high, I think it's fun and something that I can't stop (I've tried). But the more I think about it, the more I don't want to change it. It's what keeps me entertained 99% of the time. Eventually I think it is what will keep other people entertained because I intend on using it to my advantage career wise. I feel like dreamers are a dying breed, or at least I just haven't met many of them yet. On the other hand it's a good thing that there are a select few because no one would hardly get anything done.
Although the right side of the brain isn't the smartest place to be, I'm happy being a righty!

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