Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Some deep shit ( horrible grammar bc I did this on the iPhone. )

I read so many facebook updates about god here lately. Has everyone became openly religious all of a sudden? Or is it fear of not having God's acceptance? I believe in religion as well as God. But I am not so blind to see that God can't be perceived in different ways. I HIGHLY believe in having hope and faith for something greater. I think it's wonderful that people remain so faithful and kind.

What I don't understand is the hate and self righteousness that comes with religion. Believing in God is suppose to be this wonderful thing but it's masked by hate and by being suffocated by standards that are so high they can never truly be met. No one excepts another for many different reasons. But it all comes back to two things selfishness and self rightcheousness. Some People may think " god loves me more because I go to church" and that gives them the narcissistic views of themselves. But does hating most of gods children and making their lives miserable please HIM. maybe it pleases your god but not mine.

This is my visiOn of God. I don't think he could hurt a fly. We are all here for a reason but we are here with free will. We make our choices which our lives revolve around the consequences. There might be a hell also. I just can't imagine something that is so wonderful, being so awful.

Now 2012 is coming up VERY fast and it's freaking me out, along with everyone else. The mayans ( I think) predicted the world was going to end. This could in fact be true. But I still don't believe that god is going to cone down and tell certain people that they aren't worthy of his love.I think he would understand how harsh this world is and how uninviting even his most avid worshiper can be. I believe that if this world is to end on 2012... It's because we destroyed it And ourselves along with it. Maybe I sound like a hipie, but is it so wrong to believe in a love that great or a hate so strong that we could petentually destroy ourselves?

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