Friday, December 16, 2011

Nice guys finish last...But do Ladies?

How do ladies do it? I'm not just talking about any girl on the street, I'm talking about a real old fashioned lady. The tactfull woman who handles everything with grace and never shows too much skin. Someone that lives to help others and is never selfish, and always modest. I like to think of myself as a lady..most of the time. Maybe half a lady and half a teenager still. I swear way too much to be a lady and my eating habits could definitely use some work. The hardest thing I think about being a lady though? Being nice to people that don't deserve it. Being tactfull to a disrespectful girl is one of the hardest things to do. Is it lady like to act like she's just not there? Becuase that's all I can give right now. I haven't yelled at her but I talk about her behind her back occansionally. Maybe that will be my new year's resolution. Stop talking negatively about people. Really it only brings me down to their level and never makes me feel good about myself. Because of these untactful girls I have lost a great friend. I'm the least threatening woman I could think of, but I'm thought of as a potential homewrecker? I've never done such a thing, but I'm potrayed as one. I don't understand how someone could be so insecure in themselves, and in my opinion if you are THAT insecure about yourself your not ready for a relationship. Should I take it as a compliment that people are so threatened? No, I won't because like I said, a real lady is modest and is not selfish. I want to be the lady people strive to be. So I will be on a mission to buy a glamorous string of pearls and a little black dress, and strive to class up my attitude. I want to be a better person because no matter what people say the good guys get somewhere. I will be a classy but strong woman that knowks what she wants! Right now I am so lost and feel like my life is at a standstill...but if I can make myself feel better and take chances with my life I will go places.

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